Wednesday, March 16, 2005

It depends on what you are looking at

It all depends on what you are looking at.

The other day "I" called in to drop something off for my mother. Whenever he is there, I pick his brains about veggies, as he is a rather good veggie gardener. We were standing in the kitchen garden, and he looked down and said - "is that a Belladonna?"

I looked across the bed, thought "I thought he was better at gardens than that", and said, "Umm, no, it's an agapanthus".

He looked at me a bit strange, and said "Are you sure?"

"Ummm, yes".

It took two days for me to realise he was talking about the crocus hiding behind the agapanthus, that I couldn't see from where I was.

When I told him next time, he said "Life's a bit like that, isn't it."

So, here are some more of my crocuses - which the cockies have thankfully left alone. It's not the ones "I" was looking at - they have already died down.


Hopefully, in the next few days I will get a minute to get back to some of the other garden blogs. I am reading, but have not had time to comment.


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