Saturday, October 19, 2013

What IS my Potting Bench?

I love Flickr groups - one of my favourites is Just Sheds. And, as you may have discovered, I love my potting bench. There is a group on Flickr just for Potting Benches.

 I have added the one above over there, with notes.


And this is the view from the other side - really wish I had moved that brush before I took the photo.

It is rarely this clear, but the wind has been so bad that I had to take most things off it. So you can clearly see the marble slab, which is the main working area. It is an old wash-stand top that my Mother used for pastry-making in the kitchen. Good pastry had to be made on marble.

My dream is to have a proper potting shed, with a quirky potting bench, based on the marble slab. With plenty of wood painted in primary colours. And found objects.

One day.


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